Saturday, December 3, 2016

HCHS/SOL Ancillary Studies Actively Recruiting

The Following is a list of Ancillary studies actively recruiting SOL participants

1.     PAXGENE Study
Paxgene is an ancillary study that examines the genetic material (DNA and RNA) to learn about the risk of diseases such as heart disease stroke, brain function, lung diseases and others. All participants are invited to take part in the study during the second SOL examination.
2.     SOL-INCA Study
Inca stands for Investigation of Neuro-Cognitive Aging. It aims to find out more about the cognitive status of the Hispanic/Latinos in the US. If you are a SOL participant 52 years old or older you might be eligible to participate.
3.     ECHO-SOL 2 Study
ECHO-SOL 2 is a follow up study for individuals that participated previously in ECHO-SOL. If you qualify you will be invited to complete the studies during the SOL visit 2.
4.     GOLD Study
The Gut Origins of Latino Diabetes or GOLD studies the gut microbes, also called the intestinal microbiome. The microbiome perform important vital functions protecting us from disease. HCHS/SOL study participants are invited to participate and collect a sample of fecal matter (stool). The fecal sample will provide information on the composition of the intestinal microbiome of Hispanics/Latinos. We will show participants a simple procedure for collecting a sample at home and mailing it back to our laboratory.

Some ancillary studies offer additional compensation for your time.
For more information please call us at 305.243.1828

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