Thursday, February 25, 2016

HCHS/SOL Data Book a Report to the Communities

The Hispanic Community Health Study Data Book: A Report to the Communities is a summary of medical research results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos to the communities and participants from the largest health study of Hispanic/Latino populations in the United States. This study seeks to understand the health issues affecting Hispanic groups in the United States and includes research on many diseases and conditions of particular importance to the Hispanic/Latino communities. Un Reporte para las Comunidades en Español

Friday, February 19, 2016

Las Palpitaciones

La arritmia es una condición en la que el corazón late irregularmente. Las personas dicen sentir que el corazón se salta los latidos, palpitaciones y/o ansiedad. La arritmia tiene muchas causas como congénita, fumar, alcohol, stress y muchas otras. Para informarse sobre las causas, los tipos y los tratamientos para la arritmia visite  la información de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud

Irregular Heart Beat

The irregular heart beats are called arrhythmia. Individuals report that they feel skipping heart beats, palpitations and/or anxiety. There are multiple causes of arrhythmia such as congenital, smoking, alcohol, stress and many others. To learn more about the types, causes and treatment of arrhythmias visit the National Institutes of Health page

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Como las Relaciones affectan Su Salud

Cada mes de febrero celebramos el día de San Valentín y el mes de la salud del corazón. Las relaciones interpersonales sólidas y sanas son muy importantes pues traen a nuestra vida alegría y estabilidad ademas de muchos efectos beneficos para la salud. Enterese más sobre las relaciones, su supervivencia y su salud.

How Strong Relatinships Benefit Your Health

Every February we celebrate Saint Valentine's day and heart health. Strong and healthy relationships in our lives are so important because they bring joy and stability as well as many  important benefits to your health and longevity.